Author: admin
Over 350 media appearances! Updated Op-Ed, Media, and Invited Presentation pages.
Please see updated Op-Eds, Media Appearances, and Invited Presentations and Panels pages for new opinion articles, TV and radio shows, media quotes, presentations and panels.
I appreciated the opportunity to talk with Trace Gallagher on FoxNews!
I appreciated the opportunity to talk with Trace Gallagher on FoxNews this morning about the impact of protests on the coronavirus epidemic.
I enjoyed talking with Zach Guzman on YFi PM, Yahoo Finance yesterday!
I enjoyed talking with Zach Guzman on YFi PM – Yahoo Finance – yesterday about our outstanding progress in controlling the coronavirus, the impact of protests, and the promise of new advances in vaccine development in mitigating the impacts of this new pathogen.
I appreciated the opportunity to discuss the Chinese coronavirus outbreak with Eddie Burke!
I very much appreciated the opportunity to discuss the Chinese coronavirus outbreak today with Eddie Burke on Anchorage Alaska’s KOAN 95.1 FM/1080 AM on February 7th.
I appreciated the opportunity to discuss the Chinese coronavirus outbreak with Bill Martinez!
I very much appreciated the opportunity to discuss the Chinese coronavirus outbreak today with Bill Martinez on his nationally syndicated radio show this morning. Now heard in over 300 markets!
Interviewed by Bloomberg Law about Medicaid block grants!
I was interviewed by Bloomberg Law about statutory constraints on the ability of the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services to issue waivers under Section 1115 of the Social Security Act for Medicaid experimental, pilot or demonstration projects that involve block grants. Such waivers must be likely to promote the objectives of…
I appreciated the opportunity to discuss hospital data sharing with technology companies and privacy with Steve Gruber!
I appreciated the opportunity to discuss hospital data sharing with technology companies, the potential of ‘big data’ analytics in healthcare, and privacy with award winning journalist, TV broadcaster, and #1 syndicated radio host Steve Gruber on his radio show on January 27th!
I enjoyed discussing big data analytics, hospital data sharing with technology companies, and privacy with Andy Caldwell!
I enjoyed discussing the potential of big data analytics in healthcare, hospital data sharing with technology companies, and privacy with Andy Caldwell on his California radio show on January 24. Heard from Ventura to San Luis Obispo, Caldwell’s show is “The Only Talk Radio Show to Cover the Entire Central Coast!”
I very much appreciated the opportunity to discuss the Chinese coronavirus outbreak with Neil Cavuto!
I very much appreciated the opportunity to discuss the Chinese coronavirus outbreak on January 23 on Fox Business with Neil Cavuto – one of my all-time favorite news anchors and business journalists. Click here to watch the segment: