I enjoyed talking with star radio talk show host Vicki McKenna today about Medicare, the Medicare Trustee’s Report, “Medicare for All,” and my The Hill article, “Instead of revamping it, Congress should address Medicare as is.” https://newstalk1130.iheart.com/featured/vicki-mckenna/
Author: admin
Instead of revamping it, Congress should address Medicare as is
The Medicare Trustees released their 2019 Report. Click below for my article in The Hill discussing the dire news: “As Democratic presidential candidates disingenuously promote “Medicare for All” recent information suggests these actors’ time would be far better spent focusing on the welfare of current and future beneficiaries of “Medicare as it Is.” On April…
It was great to talk to Louie b. Free on his radio show!
It was great to talk with my friend legendary radio personality Louie b. Free on his radio show on April 16th – Israel, left-wing antisemitism, Democrats, free speech, college campuses, civility and respect in discourse – nothing was off limits! http://www.vindy.com/louie-free/
Enjoyed speaking about “Hot Issues! in Clinical Laboratory Reimbursement” at ASU Law School yesterday
I very much enjoyed speaking about “Hot Issues! in Clinical Laboratory Reimbursement” yesterday at the Arizona State University Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law – Center for Law, Science and Innovation’s “8th Annual Roundtable Workshop on Regulation and Reimbursement of Molecular Diagnostics.” https://law.asu.edu/degree-programs/law-technology
Continuing my grandfather’s legacy through Israel Bonds
I am enormously proud to Chair Israel Bonds’ Cleveland Advisory Council. Click to read my Op-Ed in Jewish News Syndicate today to find out why. “Israeli businesses and educational institutions continue to release a near daily stream of announcements about discoveries in medicine and science—from new approaches to fight cancer to tools that allow paraplegics…
Enjoyed discussing my STAT Op-Ed “Medicare should stop blocking access to next-generation sequencing for people with hereditary cancer” with Ben Ball today
I appreciated the opportunity to discuss Medicare’s medically indefensible decision restricting inherited cancer testing to patients least likely to benefit from it with Ben Ball on his Coastal Daybreak radio show this morning. See my Op-Ed in STAT about this important topic: https://www.statnews.com/2019/03/01/restore-access-next-generation-squencing-hereditary-cancer/
Medicare should stop blocking access to next-generation sequencing for people with hereditary cancer
Click below for my article in STAT to learn about Medicare’s recently implemented illogical and scientifically and medically unsound payment policy for hereditary cancer testing. The decision is particularly harmful for women suspected of having inherited breast and ovarian cancer. Medicare no longer pays for the testing in women for whom it is most likely…
I enjoyed talking drug prices, health care and consumer empowerment with Reagan Smith on Florida Roundtable!
I enjoyed discussing drug prices, health care and consumer empowerment with Reagan Smith on Florida Roundtable, “Florida’s Most Popular Public Affairs Radio Show.” Florida Roundtable on the Florida News Network is distributed to over 100 radio stations in Florida!
I appreciated the opportunity to discuss “Medicare for All” with Liz MacDonald on Evening Edit!
I appreciated the opportunity to talk about Democrats’ euphemistically-named “Medicare for All” last month with Liz MacDonald on her Evening Edit show on Fox Business News. Liz is one of my favorite television personalities!
I enjoyed talking about drug prices, health care, empowering consumers, and Israel with Louie b. Free
I enjoyed talking about drug prices health care, empowering consumers and Israel with long-time radio legend Louie b Free on his Brainfood from the Heartland – The Louie b. Free Radio Show